Recent advances in lignin nanotechnology have opened up new possibilities not just for underutilized lignin side streams but also for hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites. One specific instance is mixing metal ions with lignin nanoparticles (LNPs) to create new materials with desired superparamagnetic properties. Currently, limited knowledge exists regarding the interaction between LNPs and iron, which is what LIGNIRON intends to fill. Additionally, there is no indication of how iron oxide nanoparticles can be encapsulated into LNPs in a reproducible and uniform manner. Identifying these gaps and unlocking the full potential of the lignin-iron complex requires developing fundamental knowledge of the lignin-iron surface chemistry using microfluidic systems where a variety of opportunities exist for studying hybrid material formation. The combination of this knowledge with electrospinning processes would result in a new method that may translate academic research into practical application for continuous mass production of lignin-iron hybrid materials. By achieving these objectives, LIGNIRION paves the way for the application of LNPs into innovative functional materials and creates a new high-volume, high-value end-use for lignin, thereby contributing to the implementation of the EU circular economy policy. Ultimately, the new materials are designed to be used as as retrievable flocculants to remove nano-plastic from water, enabling EU water treatment plants to be effectively prepared for future combat against nano-plastics without significant infrastructure expansion costs.
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Knowledge Gaps
Environmental fate and behavior of plastic
Environmental risk assessment (ERA)
Human and environmental effects and toxicity test methods