- University of Oulu - Finland,
- Aarhus Universitet - Denmark,
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) - Norway,
- Arctic Knowledge AS - Norway,
- Ilisimatusarfik - Greenland,
- Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research - Germany,
- O.A.Sys - Ocean Atmosphere Systems GmbH - Germany,
- Nordlandsforskning AS - Norway,
- Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet - Norway,
- Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Secretariat - Norway
The Arctic is undergoing rapid changes. Multiple stressors such as climate change and pollution from local and remote sources affect human life, wildlife and the ecosystems of the Arctic. These are inseparably connected and require a holistic approach to analyses and assessments of pollution issues, and to their solutions. Using this One Health approach, ArcSolution will provide knowledge and mitigating solutions, co-created with the people of the Arctic. The Arctic is home to a variety of Arctic communities. To capture this diversity, ArcSolution will work in four Arctic locations, i.e. Northern Finland, Svalbard, Northern Norway (Tromsø) and Greenland, integrating local and Indigenous knowledge with environmental, health, technical and social science research in a One Health approach. The One Health framework will be instrumental in identifying knowledge and data gaps, and in synthesizing the information generated and collected in ArcSolution. In addition to scientifically relevant priority pollutants (e.g. per-/polyfluorinated alkylated substances, mercury, (micro)plastics and their additives, and key pathogens), ArcSolution will provide room for research and citizen science projects on locally prioritized issues. We will study pollution from local and remote sources in a climate change context, pollutant accumulation in food webs and human exposure. We will also evaluate current and predict future impacts of these pollutants on Arctic ecosystems and human health. Together with the local communities, we will develop solutions in the fields of circular economy, technology and chemicals management. Our results will be used in education programmes at Arctic schools already connected to ArcSolution. They will be communicated to policy-makers, industry and the scientific community. The One Health-based knowledge will strengthen the knowledge base and contribute to sustainable preventive actions for human life, wildlife and the ecosystems in the Arctic.
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Knowledge Gaps
Environmental exposure
Environmental fate and behavior of plastic
Chronic or long-term effects, multiple forms and/or sources
Human toxicity
Bioaccumulation, bioconcentration and persistence