Nanoplastic Transport in Groundwater environments: Plastic particles are responsible for the contamination of drinking water supply wells. Nanoplastic (NP) represents a significant threat to human health. Thus, understanding NP behaviour in groundwater aquifers is pivotal. The EU-funded NaplaGro project will study the NP particle transport behaviour in complex mineral and biogeochemical groundwater settings in Europe from the lab to field scale to understand the natural complexity of aquifers. The project will address how NP shape affects transport in groundwater, whether flow rates modify NP transport in complex mineral and biogeochemical porous media settings and whether fungal communities can retain NP under realistic aquifer conditions. NaplaGro will investigate whether laboratory findings can be upscaled to field-scale studies.
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Knowledge Gaps
Environmental fate and behavior of plastic
Extrapolation of data
Characteristics of plastic-general
Environmental risk assessment (ERA)
Environmental effects and ecotoxicity