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Level International
Plastic types Microplastics Polymers
Funding source European Union EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Project cost 191.149,44 EUR
Period June 2020 - June 2022
Geographical area Europe
Categories Environment and Climate Change Climate Change Green and Circular Economy
Tags plastic pollution Microplastic Recycling environment biodegradable polymers

Plastic pollution, including tiny fragments known as microplastics, can adversely affect the environment, wildlife and humans. Only a very small percentage of commodity plastics are recycled. Much of the rest is incinerated, sits in landfills or is abandoned in the environment. Biodegradable plastics can ease this problem, especially if these are made from renewable resources. The combination of biodegradability and renewability allows to reduce the use of fossil fuel resources, decrease the material's carbon footprint, and lead to a faster decomposition. The EU-funded DECOMPOSE project plans to synthesise supramolecular polymers containing metal ions (metallosupramolecular polymers) and precursors from renewable resources to facilitate recycling and degradation of commodity polymers. The project will offer researchers the opportunity to improve their scientific skills and expand their network in the field of polymer and material science.

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Knowledge Gaps

Commercial-related uncertainties

Environmental risk assessment (ERA)

Human and environmental effects and toxicity test methods

Human toxicity

Consumer exposure

Environmental exposure

Unspecific uncertainties


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