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Level National
Funding source The Research Council of Norway - Miljøforskning for en grønn samfunnsomstilling
Project cost 709.665,65 EUR
Period January 2020 - December 2023
Geographical area Europe
Categories Green and Circular Economy Natural and Man-made Hazards
Tags mapping stock flow recycling additives database fate
Project partners
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) - Switzerland,
  • Norwegian Environment Agency - Norway,
  • Romerike Avfallsforedling IKS (ROAF) - Norway,
  • AKK Innovation - Germany,
  • The Municipality of Oslo - Norway,
  • Grønt Punkt Norge - Norway,
  • Stella - Poland

Plastic Cycle (PLASTCYC); Optimizing Resource Efficiency while Minimizing Recycling of Hazardous Chemicals in a Circular Economy: The stock and flows of the seven most used polymers in plastic products in Norway were successfully mapped in the PLASTCYC project. The project provided a dynamic probabilistic economy-wide material flow analysis (MFA) of seven plastic polymers (HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS, PVC, EPS, and PET) in Norway from 2000 to 2050. A total of 40 individual product categories aggregated into nine industrial sectors were taken into consideration. The results of this project depicted that 620 ± 23 kt or 114 kg/capita of these seven plastic polymers were put on the Norwegian market in 2020. Although ~50% of all plastic waste is collected separately from the waste stream, only around 25% is sorted for recycling. Overall, ~50% of plastic waste is incinerated, ~15% exported, and ~10% landfilled. Furthermore, the possible concentrations of chemical additives used in various plastic polymers in different industrial sectors coupled with the potential hazardous score of each chemical provided a comprehensive and effective tool to identify chemicals of concern in plastic products. The outcomes of this work can be used as a guideline for other countries to establish the stocks and flows of plastic polymers from various industrial sectors which is needed for the implementation of necessary regulatory actions and circular strategies. The project information has been extracted from the Project Bank of the Research Council of Norway.

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Knowledge Gaps

Bioaccumulation, bioconcentration and persistence

Environmental fate and behavior of plastic

Commercial-related uncertainties

Environmental effects and ecotoxicity

Characteristics of plastic-general


Environmental exposure

Environmental risk assessment (ERA)
