- Ecossa - Germany,
- Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) - Germany,
- Mesocosm GmbH - Germany,
- University of Bielefeld - Germany,
- University of Münster - Germany,
- University of Potsdam - Germany
What Happens to Microplastics in Dams and Reservoirs? Extremely small plastic particles can be detected in varying concentrations in many inland waters. Previous studies show that fewer particles are found in rivers downstream of the reservoirs than upstream. Researchers assume that microplastics accumulate on the bottom of these water bodies. Dams and reservoirs therefore represent possible sinks for microplastics. The aim of the joint research project MikroPlaTaS is to gain a better understanding of the environmental factors that lead to the sedimentation of plastic particles in these water systems and to assess their effects on aquatic organisms.
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Knowledge Gaps
Biological processes and biotic interactions with plastic
Cellular uptake of plastic
Environmental effects and ecotoxicity
Chronic or long-term effects, multiple forms and/or sources
Bioaccumulation, bioconcentration and persistence
Testing considerations-general
Environmental exposure
Environmental fate and behavior of plastic
Bioaccumulation and biomagnification
Species and individual susceptibility
Fate and behavior within an organism
Monitoring and detection equipment
Tools to limit release
Reproductive and teratogenic effects
Translocation within organism
Translocation within an organism
Bioavailability exposure test methods
Environmental risk assessment (ERA)