- Technical University of Berlin, FG System Dynamics and Friction Physics - Germany,
- Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH - Germany,
- GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG - Germany,
- Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH - Germany,
- Wessling GMBH - Germany
Tyre Wear in the Environment: Plastics in the environment are an increasingly serious challenge. As macroplastics deteriorate, such as through tire abrasion, the resulting microplastics can enter the aquatic environment through a variety of entry points. As vehicle traffic increases, there is an inevitable increase in microplastics from worn tires ending up in the environment. The amount of tire abrasion and the resulting microplastics entering the aquatic environment via road runoff had not yet been sufficiently researched. The joint research project RAU addressed this and comprehensively described tire particles throughout the useful service life of tires, closing the knowledge gaps on where particle loss occurs over the entire life cycle. The goal was to identify and assess the entry points of tire materials into the aquatic environment and to develop reduction measures. RAU then verified selected measures for reducing the emission of tire material into the aquatic environment. On the basis of various influencing factors, an evaluation matrix was developed for deriving the most suitable measures to reduce tire abrasion in different locations.
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Knowledge Gaps
Environmental fate and behavior of plastic
Environmental exposure
Tools to limit release